It happens once a year, and it’s a rather rare weather related occurrence. When the winter snow falls on the Autumn floor and mother nature still shows her colorful Fall Foliage, then we get the awesome phenomenon called “snowliage”.

The brilliant combination of Red, Gold, Orange of maple leaves & others in snow foliage is a mixture of scenic beauty to all tourists. The Champlain Valley has some stunning places of snowliage during a certain time, particularly in the autumn season. The best places you can see the foliage in your state are the mountainside, parks, forest-like the Upstate New York, Vermont, and others. Moreover, the forest offering you the tower’s view will treat you like a panoramic view of natural beauty.
Though Vermont’s state has no perfect timing for peaking the foliage colors, the foliage started changing the colors from mid-September to late October. It can vary depending on the higher to lower north to south elevations. Make the plan based on the peaks, timing, and location.
Turning Colors of Leaves in Snowliage
Snowfalls change the daylight length & temperature. So the leaves stop the food making procedure. Breaking down the chlorophyll makes the green color of leaves disappear. Then the yellow, orange & red become visible. Which gives the leaves a splendor look with the combination of background snowfalls. You can’t compare any mother nature of feature with the freshly fallen snow & then the peak colors. Typically you have less chance to get them together at a time. But when you are in Vermont or New England, you can enjoy this masterpiece.
The weather becomes colder than before at the start of the autumn season, but Vermont’s leaves stay bright in snowliage. The green mountain & the color of the landscape below remain colorful for two to three weeks from the start of this weather changing. To enjoy this year’s snowliage photos near the mountain, do not miss this chance.
Lackluster Foliage for Some Years
If in late October we get a record-breaking snowstorm, that usually results in an early foliage season. One big snow storm is all it takes to bury some Northern towns in New England. The snow falls can cover up to 31 inches or more. Tropical Irene storms wash out the roads and other places of the towns. Trees look like twigs & the flooded towns are the key foliage of Vermont.
Vermont Fall Foliage
Maple sap starts flowing at the time of late winter. The brilliant color combination of the native sugar maples is the best attractive part of snowliage in Vermont. Many tourists worldwide come here to see the fall foliage of the New England area every year. It’s always a big deal to the officials of the New England regions to prepare for the extra traffic. Many folks travel here to spend a lot of money to enjoy this natural admiring fall foliage drive, and it is good for the local economies.
Take a Photo of Snowliage if You Ever Get the Chance
Always drive safely when driving in the snow of New England. When the roads are properly cleared, if you get a chance to make the drive, you’ll be delighted with roads lined by the mixed puffy snow site & the dark green forest. The twiggy skeletal form of trees can provide you too many colors in the fall. The durable curving panoramas come where the edge of the road with the asphalt twisted. If you want to experiment with this, try the drive on Route 101 of New Hampshire to Peterborough. It will be better after the snowfall of January & in October.
Please send me your snowliage photos to, and I’ll post them here with your credit next year. For now, enjoy these amazing photos of snowliage folks have posted to their Instagram accounts. I think the definition of “snowliage” should be added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, but for now I’ll have to settle for urban dictionary definition.