What is the VT 251 club?
This club represents all the folks that have visited all the 251 cities and towns of Vermont. There are over 6000 members of the club. It is run by Stephanie Young and it is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization.
How do I join the club?
Well, anyone can join as long as they want to explore all the amazing 251 cities/towns Vermont has to offer. Sounds like a fun challenge to try with a friend. I personally grew up in Vermont, lived there for 20+ years, and I still have not visited all 251. Read more about the club on their website vt251.com. If you have a photo you would like to share of your 251 completion, email me submit@champlainvalley.com and I would like to share with our readers.

Arthur Peach said it best:
I propose to organize a 251 Club to be made up of Vermonters and others who can show that they have visited, not merely driven through, the 251 towns in the state.
—Dr. Arthur Wallace Peach (1886-1956)